General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Who Dies the Night of the Nurse’s Ball - Major Character or Random Extra?

“General Hospital” (GH) spoilers tease that a dead body is found the night of the 2016 Nurse’s Ball on this week’s episodes. But who will go to meet their maker? Will GH showrunners deliver on this major spoiler by killing off a major character or will they take out a “red shirt” extra that no one knows or cares about? Here’s a look at possible victims.

#1 Lucas Jones (Ryan Carnes)

General Hospital spoilers have been swirling for more than a week that it would be Lucas that bites the dust. When talk of his character dying cropped up, Ryan Carnes didn’t deny it when he tweeted a response to a concerned fan. When Nathan Varni was asked about it on Facebook, he didn’t deny it but encouraged fans to ignore the talk.



The bottom line is, Lucas could die. He’s barely seen on the show and it would be a karmic punishment for Julian Jerome (William deVry) to lose someone he loves. Also, Lucas doesn’t get a lot of screen time anyway and is in no major plotlines right now. We’ll see what happens but he seems like a solid choice.

#2 Valerie Spencer (Brynti Sarpy)

Valerie makes the list because GH spoilers indicate that next week Bobbie Spencer (Jacklyn Zeman) makes a “heartbreaking” decision. If it’s pulling someone off life support, that could be Lucas or Valerie since Bobbie is Val’s de facto mom since her sister died and Valerie has few family members.

Valerie could be killed off without ruffling too many feathers since a lot of GH fans dislike the character for messing with the marriage of Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) and Lulu Spencer (Emme Rylan) and she hasn’t had a major storyline in quite a while.

#3 Darby Collette (Jesica Ahlberg)

Along with the death spoiler is an accompanying spoiler that Morgan Corinthos (Bryan Craig) watches from a distance as something happens that breaks his heart. But is that about an attack on his Uncle Lucas or about a kiss that Kiki Jerome (Hayley Erin) and Dillon Quartermaine (Robert Watkins) share?

Sometimes GH bosses leak spoilers that seem to be related yet are not – solely to fake out the fans. But since Morgan did like Darby and sexed her up several times, he’d be upset if she died. She’s another that’s no big loss but Morgan might be thinking about hitting her up again soon after the Kiki split.

 #4 Amy Driscoll (Risa Dorken)

New nurse Amy is already irritating the starch out of everyone at GH including doctors, fellow nurses, and even patients. But Amy will play a big part in a Nurse’s Ball performance. Risa Dorken is supposed to be an amazing singer so we’re wondering if GH showrunners brought her in to sing – and then die!

If Amy has no family in town, is seriously injured, and choices have to be made about her care, perhaps Bobbie might be called in to make some decisions. You never know, she might be her emergency contact for some reason. Nurse Amy would not be a big loss if she kicked the bucket.

#5 Red Shirt Extra

Remember on the old Star Trek TV show? Anytime you saw an extra wearing a red shirt, you knew they were going to die. The same could be said of any number of characters on GH – even ones whose names we don’t know. TPTB could kill off literally any extra and it wouldn’t affect the show too much.

For instance, if it’s a mob conflict that breaks out, it could be a nameless Jerome or Corinthos henchman. It could be a valet working in the MetroCourt garage. It could be a red carpet reporter from Good Morning America doing a cameo. Will GH fool us with a throwaway death?

Who dies?
The bottom line is that it’s very doubtful we’ll see a major character kick off – like Jason, Sonny, Carly, Liz, Julian, etc. If it’s a named character, it should be someone we don’t see a lot of and who has no big storylines in the works. Ryan Carnes is still a top choice since he’s got tons of work going outside of GH.

Plus, Lucas dying would hit Julian hard and a recent GH spoiler says that Julian will be “devastated” at what his actions led to. That could hint at a divorce from Alexis Davis (Nancy L Grahn) or it could be the loss of his eldest son thanks to his ongoing mob involvement – or both.

What do you think GH fans? Who will kick the bucket on the night of the Nurse’s Ball? A major character? An ancillary player? Or a totally random red shirt? Have General Hospital showrunners gotten us stirred up only to deliver a less than momentous homicide?

Share your comments below and check back with CDL often for more “General Hospital” spoilers and news.
